zherpa token

Be part of the Zoho ecosystem and help to create tokenized value.

Together we are going to revolutionize the way in which the agents of the Zoho ecosystem relate to each other. Join up!

Welcome to the $ZHT: the hours, measured in ZHERPAs

Zherpa Digital Systems, in collaboration with Tutellus, has developed the $ZHT so that it ends up being the most used cryptocurrency in the Zoho ecosystem, available both in companies (to hire products and services in better conditions) and for professionals. The $ZHT represents hours: consulting, integration, marketing, training, etc. It is a liquid cryptocurrency that will capture part of the value generated in the ecosystem, encouraging the community, users, and the most active companies.

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Why am I interested in the $ZHT?

Discover its usefulness, advantages and what we are gonna use it for in the Zoho ecosystem


Buy products and services from Zoho integrators and resellers at lower prices and on priority SLA terms.


Provide services to companies and are hired under priority conditions over other freelancers who do not accept $ZHT.


Access training, employment exchange, private events and other exclusive services only accessible to users with $ZHT.

The $ZHT follows a deflationary model, with a progressive token burn depending on the services used.
There are 2 types of  tokens, each one aimed at a user with different concerns.
The $ZHT is the liquid token, used as a payment cryptocurrency, which represents hours, and which absorbs value with its use.
The xZHT is the token aimed at the most financial user, since it distributes the fees generated by the protocol on a weekly basis.
These and other future mechanisms will allow $ZHT to capture a lot of value from the Zoho ecosystem.

Value capture

The $ZHT captures value through natural supply and demand mechanisms due to its utility: the more demand for tokens to activate the different services (based on contracting hours under preferential conditions, access to training and events, etc.) the more the need to buy tokens from the market; And as some of these services also imply a decrease in supply (due to token burning or vesting), the more the price will also rise.

Supply and demand mark a price for the Zherpa token

Higher demand for the same supply drives up the price

The team that makes it possible

To build the $ZHT, 2 professionals from complementary worlds have come together: Miguel Arce, with more than 20 years working in the Zoho environment from MDO, and Miguel Caballero, with the same years working in the technological environment and the last 10 years in Tutellus. and the crypto world. Behind them is a team of more than 40 professionals whose goal is to make the $ZHT reach the end of the world.

Miguel Arce
Miguel Caballero
CEO Tutellus

$ZHT launching

Total Supply: 20.000.000 $ZHT
50% to private sale (10MM $ZHT)
12 months linear vesting
Other 50% to Treasury (15%), Incentives (15%), Yields (5%) and others (15%)

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